I would like to personally invite you to Crossroads Baptist Church. You will find our church to be a place where life-long friendships can be cultivated. Crossroads is an environment where you can love God, connect with people, and be empowered for ministry and service.
Randy Smith, Pastor
The Women's Ministry hosts several events throughout the year. Bible Studies, Game Nights, Craft Nights, etc.
9:15 am Connection Classes
10:30 am Children's Church
6:00 pm Mission Kids
Nursery and Preschool is available for all services.
We participate in various missions throughout the year; Appalachian Ministries of the Smokies, Calvary Rescue Mission, Brinkley Heights, Jamaica, and others.
Our youth department invites you to come hang out, learn more about the Bible, and fellowship with others.
Join us in person or online, Sundays at 10:30 am